Search Category
Category Code Category Sub Category
0101 Labour Matters Dismissal
0102 Labour Matters Retrenchment
0103 Labour Matters Contract Labour
0104 Labour Matters Matters relating to wages, bonus, ad-hoc, casual daily wages & their regularisation
0105 Labour Matters Matters relating to Workmen Compensation Act
0106 Labour Matters ESI
0107 Labour Matters Factory Act
0108 Labour Matters Conditions of Service & Industrial Employment (Standing Order Act, 1946)
0109 Labour Matters Matters under various States Act
0110 Labour Matters Others
0111 Labour Matters Matters relating to Provident Fund
0112 Labour Matters Payment of Gratuity Act, 1962
0113 Labour Matters Trade Unions Act, 1926
0114 Labour Matters Other matters under Industrial Disputes Act, 1947
0201 Rent Act Matters Eviction matters of personal necessity
0202 Rent Act Matters Eviction matters for re-building, and material alteration
0203 Rent Act Matters Eviction matters of sub-letting
0204 Rent Act Matters Eviction matters of disclaimer of title
0205 Rent Act Matters Arrears of rent
0206 Rent Act Matters Others
0207 Rent Act Matters Eviction on the ground of misuse
0208 Rent Act Matters Enhancement of rent
0209 Rent Act Matters Eviction on the ground of non-payment of rent
0301 Direct Taxes Matter Income Tax Reference under Section 257
0302 Direct Taxes Matter Appeals under Section 261 of Income Tax Act upon a certificate granted by the High Court
0303 Direct Taxes Matter Other matters under Income Tax act, 1961
0304 Direct Taxes Matter Cases relating to Excess Profit Tax Act 1940
0305 Direct Taxes Matter Business profit tax Act, 1947
0306 Direct Taxes Matter Agricultural Income Tax
0307 Direct Taxes Matter Reference under Section 27(3)(a) of the Wealth Tax Act, 1957
0308 Direct Taxes Matter Appeals under Section 29(1) of the Wealth Tax Act, 1957 upon a certificate granted by the High Court
0309 Direct Taxes Matter Gift Tax Act 1958
0310 Direct Taxes Matter Property Tax
0311 Direct Taxes Matter Valuation
0312 Direct Taxes Matter Capital Gains
0313 Direct Taxes Matter SLPs relating to Wealth Tax
0314 Direct Taxes Matter Income from salaries
0315 Direct Taxes Matter Income from House Property
0316 Direct Taxes Matter Income from Business/Profession
0317 Direct Taxes Matter Income from other sources
0318 Direct Taxes Matter Deductions/exemptions
0319 Direct Taxes Matter Penalties/Prosecution/Settlement Commission
0320 Direct Taxes Matter Re-assessment/Revisional Power/Rectification
0321 Direct Taxes Matter CBDT circular
0322 Direct Taxes Matter Registration
0323 Direct Taxes Matter Others
0324 Direct Taxes Matter Matters relating to recovery of Direct Tax due
0401 Indirect Taxes Matters Interpretation of the Customs Act, Rules & Regulations
0402 Indirect Taxes Matters Interpretation of exemption notification under Customs Act
0403 Indirect Taxes Matters Interpretation of other notification under Customs Act
0404 Indirect Taxes Matters Valuation of Goods under the Customs Act
0405 Indirect Taxes Matters Sales Tax Act (Central & various States)
0406 Indirect Taxes Matters Cess Acts (Rubber, Coffee, Tea, Sugar, etc.)
0407 Indirect Taxes Matters Entry Taxes
0408 Indirect Taxes Matters Motor Vehicles Taxation
0409 Indirect Taxes Matters Purchase Tax
0410 Indirect Taxes Matters Licence Fee
0411 Indirect Taxes Matters Classification under the Indian Tariff Act, 1934 & Customs Tariff Act, 1975
0412 Indirect Taxes Matters Reference under Section 82C of the Gold Control Act
0413 Indirect Taxes Matters Hotel Receipts Tax Act
0414 Indirect Taxes Matters Entertainment Tax
0415 Indirect Taxes Matters Terminal Tax
0416 Indirect Taxes Matters Octroi
0417 Indirect Taxes Matters Valuation
0418 Indirect Taxes Matters Toll Tax
0419 Indirect Taxes Matters Interpretation of the Central Excise Act & the rules
0420 Indirect Taxes Matters Interpretation of exemption notifications under Central Excise Act
0421 Indirect Taxes Matters Interpretation of other notifications under Central Excise Act
0422 Indirect Taxes Matters Valuation of goods under the Central Excise Act
0423 Indirect Taxes Matters Tariff classification under the Central Excise Act, 1944 and Central Excise Tariff Act, 1985
0424 Indirect Taxes Matters Import/Export Control Act, 1947
0425 Indirect Taxes Matters Import Control Order
0426 Indirect Taxes Matters Open General License
0427 Indirect Taxes Matters Import/Export Policy
0428 Indirect Taxes Matters Others
0429 Indirect Taxes Matters Professional Tax
0430 Indirect Taxes Matters Water & Sewage Tax
0431 Indirect Taxes Matters Service Tax
0432 Indirect Taxes Matters Appeals u/s 130 E of Customs Act, 1962
0433 Indirect Taxes Matters Appeals u/s 35 L of Central Excise and Salt Act, 1944.
0434 Indirect Taxes Matters Anti Dumping Duty
0435 Indirect Taxes Matters Value Added Tax
0436 Indirect Taxes Matters Matters relating to recovery of Indirect Tax due
0501 Land Acquisition & Requisition Matters Matters challenging the acquisition proceedings
0502 Land Acquisition & Requisition Matters Matters challenging compensations
0503 Land Acquisition & Requisition Matters Requisition & De-requisition of property
0504 Land Acquisition & Requisition Matters Others
0505 Land Acquisition & Requisition Matters Acquisition for Defence purpose
0601 Service Matters Retiral benefits
0602 Service Matters Regularisation of ad-hoc employees etc.
0603 Service Matters Removal/Dismissal/Termination from service or other major penalties
0604 Service Matters Suspension
0605 Service Matters Compulsory retirement
0606 Service Matters Disciplinary proceedings
0607 Service Matters Condition of service
0608 Service Matters Promotion
0609 Service Matters Seniority
0610 Service Matters Pay scales
0611 Service Matters Reservation in service for SC/ST/OBC
0612 Service Matters Equal pay for equal work
0613 Service Matters Others
0614 Service Matters Medical facilities
0615 Service Matters Recruitment/Transfer/Compassionate Appointment
0616 Service Matters Minor penalties
0617 Service Matters Back wages
0618 Service Matters Voluntary Retirement
0619 Service Matters Allotment of Accommodation
0620 Service Matters Probation & Confirmation
0621 Service Matters Temporary Appointment
0622 Service Matters Use of forged/false document(s) for securing employment
0701 Academic Matters Matters relating to examination
0702 Academic Matters Introduction/Abolition of languages
0703 Academic Matters Matters relating to syllabi
0704 Academic Matters Matters relating to with-holding/cancellation of results, evaluation of marks, expulsion of students
0705 Academic Matters Others
0706 Academic Matters Tuition Fee
0707 Academic Matters Matters relating to management of Educational Institutions
0801 Letter Petition & Pil Matters Child labour matters including neglected children
0802 Letter Petition & Pil Matters Air pollution matters, i.e., Industrial, Vehicular, Power stations etc.
0803 Letter Petition & Pil Matters Water Pollution :Industrial, domestic, sewage, rivers and sea
0804 Letter Petition & Pil Matters Noise Pollution :Industry, vehicular
0805 Letter Petition & Pil Matters Ecological Imbalance: Protection and conservation of forests throughout the country, protection of wild life, ban on felling of trees and falling of underground water level
0806 Letter Petition & Pil Matters Bonded labour matters
0807 Letter Petition & Pil Matters Matters relating to custody harassment, Jails, complaint of harassment, custodial death, speedy trial, premature release, inaction by police etc.
0808 Letter Petition & Pil Matters Matters relating to harassment of SC/ST/OBC and women
0809 Letter Petition & Pil Matters Matters relating to unauthorised constructions including encroachments, sealing, demolitions, urban planning
0810 Letter Petition & Pil Matters Matters relating to Election Commissions
0811 Letter Petition & Pil Matters Scam matters
0812 Letter Petition & Pil Matters Others
0813 Letter Petition & Pil Matters Essential Amenities or Services
0814 Letter Petition & Pil Matters Housing
0815 Letter Petition & Pil Matters Natural & Man-made Disasters including Riots
0816 Letter Petition & Pil Matters SLPs filed against judgments / orders passed by the High Courts in Writ Petitions filed as PIL
0817 Letter Petition & Pil Matters Writ Petitions (Criminal) and Writ Petitions filed as PIL pertaining to criminal investigations/prosecution
0818 Letter Petition & Pil Matters Social Justice Matters
0901 Election Matters Matters challenging election of President & Vice-President of India
0902 Election Matters Elections relating to Gram Panchayats and Zila Parishad
0903 Election Matters Matters under Representation of Peoples Act Involving corrupt practices
0904 Election Matters Matters relating to re-counting of votes
0905 Election Matters Matters under the Co-operative Societies Act
0906 Election Matters University election matters
0907 Election Matters Delimitation of Constituency
0908 Election Matters Others
0909 Election Matters Matters challenging Elections of MPs and MLAs
0910 Election Matters Elections relating to Municipal Councils
0911 Election Matters Appeals u/s 116 A of Representation of People Act, 1951.
0912 Election Matters Disqualification & expulsion of MPs/MLAs
1001 Company Law, Mrtp, Trai, Sebi, Idrai & Rbi Matters relating to winding up
1002 Company Law, Mrtp, Trai, Sebi, Idrai & Rbi Matters relating to Sick Industries
1003 Company Law, Mrtp, Trai, Sebi, Idrai & Rbi Matters arising out of orders of Company Law Board under Section 397 & 398 of Companies Act, 1956
1004 Company Law, Mrtp, Trai, Sebi, Idrai & Rbi Reference under Section 7(2) of the MRTP Act, 1969
1005 Company Law, Mrtp, Trai, Sebi, Idrai & Rbi Appeals under Section 55 of the MRTP Act, 1969
1006 Company Law, Mrtp, Trai, Sebi, Idrai & Rbi Others
1007 Company Law, Mrtp, Trai, Sebi, Idrai & Rbi Matters relating to disinvestment
1008 Company Law, Mrtp, Trai, Sebi, Idrai & Rbi Appeals u/s 15 Z of Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992.
1009 Company Law, Mrtp, Trai, Sebi, Idrai & Rbi Matters filed against the orders of MRTP Commission /Competition Commission.
1010 Company Law, Mrtp, Trai, Sebi, Idrai & Rbi Matters pertaining to TRAI / SEBI / IDRAI and RBI including Appeals U/S 18 of TRAI Act, Indian Electricity Act, 1910 and 2003, Electricity Supply Act, 1948 and Electricity Reforms Commission Act, 1998
1101 Arbitration Matters Arbitration Petitions under Section 11 of Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996
1100 Arbitration Matters SLPs challenging Arbitration Matters
1201 Compensation Matters Motor accident claim matters involving permanent disability/death of persons
1202 Compensation Matters Motor accident claim matters relating to the other injuries
1203 Compensation Matters Insurer/owners liability matters
1204 Compensation Matters Matters relating to railway accident including other railway compensation matters
1205 Compensation Matters Matters relating to accidents other than those covered by M.V. Act
1206 Compensation Matters Matters relating to telephone, electricity etc.
1207 Compensation Matters Others
1300 Habeas Corpus Matters -
1401 Criminal Matters Matters relating to capital punishment
1402 Criminal Matters Matters relating to maintenance under Section 125 of Cr.P.C.
1403 Criminal Matters Matters relating to harassment, cruelty to woman for dowry, dowry death, eveteasing, domestic violence etc.
1404 Criminal Matters Matters relating to sexual harassment, kidnapping & abduction
1405 Criminal Matters Matters relating to Prevention of Corruption Act
1406 Criminal Matters Matters relating to Bank scams, cheating, forgery etc.
1407 Criminal Matters Matters relating to Essential Commodities Act
1408 Criminal Matters Criminal matters relating to State Excise Law
1409 Criminal Matters Criminal matters relating to bail/interim bail/anticipatory bail
1410 Criminal Matters Criminal matters in which sentence awarded is up to five years
1411 Criminal Matters Criminal T.P. Under Article 139(A)(1) of the Constitution of India
1412 Criminal Matters Criminal T.P. Under Section 406 of the Cr.P.C.
1413 Criminal Matters Criminal matters arising out of Securities Act, 1992.
1414 Criminal Matters Criminal matters relating to Drugs and Cosmetics, NDPS Act
1415 Criminal Matters Criminal matters relating to Food Adulteration
1416 Criminal Matters Criminal matters relating to preventive detention, TADA/POTA & national security-COFEPOSA-SAFEMA
1417 Criminal Matters Matters relating to SC & ST (Prevention of atrocities) Act, 1989; Untouchability (offences) Amendment & Misc. Provision Act, 1976.
1418 Criminal Matters Others
1419 Criminal Matters Scam matters other than relating to Banks
1420 Criminal Matters Appeal under Section 2 of the Supreme Court enlargement of jurisdiction Act
1421 Criminal Matters Police atrocities matters
1422 Criminal Matters Matters relating to Foreign Exchange Regulation Act
1423 Criminal Matters Matters challenging sentence till rising of the court and/or fine only
1424 Criminal Matters Appeals u/s 10 of the Special Courts (Trial of Offences relating to transactions in Securities) Act, 1992.
1425 Criminal Matters Appeals u/s 19 of the Terrorist and Disruptive Activities Act, 1987
1426 Criminal Matters Matters filed by State against Acquittal
1427 Criminal Matters Matters filed by complainant against Acquittal
1428 Criminal Matters Matters under State Police Acts
1429 Criminal Matters Matters for/against quashing of criminal proceedings
1430 Criminal Matters Matters challenging prosecution under Income Tax Act
1431 Criminal Matters Matters challenging prosecution under Negotiable Instruments Act
1432 Criminal Matters Criminal matters relating to Central Excise & Salt Act, 1944
1433 Criminal Matters Criminal matters relating to Customs Act, 1962
1434 Criminal Matters Matters relating to Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA)
1435 Criminal Matters Criminal appeals filed against the orders of various Tribunals
1436 Criminal Matters Criminal matters relating to suspension of sentence
1437 Criminal Matters Criminal matters relating to cancellation to bail
1438 Criminal Matters Criminal matters in which sentence awarded is more than five years
1439 Criminal Matters Criminal matters in which sentence awarded is life imprisonment
1501 Appeal Against Orders Of Statutory Bodies Bar Council of India
1502 Appeal Against Orders Of Statutory Bodies Others
1503 Appeal Against Orders Of Statutory Bodies Tribunals
1504 Appeal Against Orders Of Statutory Bodies Appeals and other matters U/Ss 30 and 31 of the Armed Forces Tribunal Act, 2007
1505 Appeal Against Orders Of Statutory Bodies Matters filed against the orders of other Regulatory Authorities / Bodies
1601 Family Law Matters Mutual consent divorce matters
1602 Family Law Matters Other divorce matters
1603 Family Law Matters Restitution of conjugal rights
1604 Family Law Matters Child custody matters
1605 Family Law Matters Adoption & Maintenance matters
1606 Family Law Matters Minority & guardianship matters
1607 Family Law Matters Matters under Hindu Marriage Act
1608 Family Law Matters Matters under Muslim Marriage Act
1609 Family Law Matters Matters under Christian Marriage Act
1610 Family Law Matters Alimony
1611 Family Law Matters Others
1701 Contempt Of Court Matters Suo Moto civil contempt matters
1702 Contempt Of Court Matters Suo Moto criminal contempt matters
1703 Contempt Of Court Matters Other civil contempt matters
1704 Contempt Of Court Matters Other criminal contempt matters.
1705 Contempt Of Court Matters Appeals u/s 19(1)(b) of Contempt of Court Act, 1971.
1801 Ordinary Civil Matters T.P. Under Article 139A(1) of the Constitution of India
1802 Ordinary Civil Matters T.P. Under Section 25 of the C.P.C.
1803 Ordinary Civil Matters Civil matters arising out of Securities Act, 1992
1804 Ordinary Civil Matters Original Civil Suit under Article 131 of the Constitution of India
1805 Ordinary Civil Matters Matters relating to specific performance of contract
1806 Ordinary Civil Matters Matters relating to allotment, cancellation, fixation of prices of plots/flats
1807 Ordinary Civil Matters Others
1808 Ordinary Civil Matters Market fee under the APMC Act
1809 Ordinary Civil Matters Matters relating to Lotteries
1810 Ordinary Civil Matters Dealership and distributership of petroleum products
1811 Ordinary Civil Matters Benami transactions
1812 Ordinary Civil Matters Royalty on coal etc.
1813 Ordinary Civil Matters Stage carriage permits
1814 Ordinary Civil Matters Freedom Fighters Pension
1815 Ordinary Civil Matters Matters relating to Electricity Dispute(connection/disconnection etc)
1816 Ordinary Civil Matters Appeals u/s 10 of Special Courts (Trial of offences relating to Transactions in Securities) Act, 1992
1817 Ordinary Civil Matters Matters for eviction / dispossession other than Rent Control Act matters
1818 Ordinary Civil Matters Appeals u/s 53 T of The Competition Act, 2002
1819 Ordinary Civil Matters Matters relating to demolition
1900 Three Judges Bench Matter -
2000 Five Judges Bench Matter -
2100 Eleven Judges Bench Matter -
2200 Seven Judges Bench Matter -
2300 Nine Judges Bench Matter -
2401 Appointments Etc., Of Constitutional Functionaries Appointment of High Court Judges
2402 Appointments Etc., Of Constitutional Functionaries (Deleted)
2403 Appointments Etc., Of Constitutional Functionaries Appointment of Advocate General & Attorney General
2404 Appointments Etc., Of Constitutional Functionaries Appointment of Members of Election Commissions
2405 Appointments Etc., Of Constitutional Functionaries Appointment of Members and Chairman of State Public Service Commission and UPSC
2406 Appointments Etc., Of Constitutional Functionaries Appointment of Governors & Lt. Governors
2407 Appointments Etc., Of Constitutional Functionaries Others
2501 Statutory Appointments And Appointment Of Other Law Officers Appointment of Members, Vice-Chairman and Chairman of CAT, SAT , Other Tribunals , Statutory Corporations/ Bodies
2502 Statutory Appointments And Appointment Of Other Law Officers Appointment in Zila Parishad
2503 Statutory Appointments And Appointment Of Other Law Officers Appointment of Vice-Chancellors of University
2504 Statutory Appointments And Appointment Of Other Law Officers Appointment of other Law Officers
2601 Personal Law Matters Matters relating to inheritance & succession
2602 Personal Law Matters Matters relating to Gift
2603 Personal Law Matters Matters relating to partition
2604 Personal Law Matters Matters relating to testamentary succession
2605 Personal Law Matters Others
2701 Religious & Charitable Endowments Matters relating to management, administrative disputes of Temples etc. (Priest, Pujari, Mahant)
2702 Religious & Charitable Endowments WAKF Board matters
2703 Religious & Charitable Endowments Others
2801 Mercantile Laws, Commercial Transactions Including Banking Partnership
2802 Mercantile Laws, Commercial Transactions Including Banking Sale of Goods Act
2803 Mercantile Laws, Commercial Transactions Including Banking Contract Act
2804 Mercantile Laws, Commercial Transactions Including Banking Trade Marks/Copy Rights/Patents/Design Act
2805 Mercantile Laws, Commercial Transactions Including Banking Negotiable Instruments Act
2806 Mercantile Laws, Commercial Transactions Including Banking Banks mortgage disputes
2807 Mercantile Laws, Commercial Transactions Including Banking Hypothetication, Pledge
2808 Mercantile Laws, Commercial Transactions Including Banking Others
2809 Mercantile Laws, Commercial Transactions Including Banking Matters relating to recovery of debts/bank loans due under the banks and financial institutions
2810 Mercantile Laws, Commercial Transactions Including Banking Bank Guarantee matters
2811 Mercantile Laws, Commercial Transactions Including Banking Matters relating to Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Reinforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002.
2901 Simple Money & Mortgage Matters Etc. Money Lending Act
2902 Simple Money & Mortgage Matters Etc. Mortgage private
2903 Simple Money & Mortgage Matters Etc. Others
3001 Matters Relating To Judiciary Matters pertaining to Judicial Officers
3002 Matters Relating To Judiciary Matters pertaining to Employees of Supreme Court and High Courts
3003 Matters Relating To Judiciary Matters pertaining to Employees of District Court & Tribunals
3004 Matters Relating To Judiciary Matters pertaining to service conditions , etc., of individual Judicial Officer and other matters not specified above
3100 Admission To Educational Institutions Other Than Medical & Engineering -
3200 Establishment And Recognition Of Educational Institutions -
3301 Eviction Under The Public Premises (Eviction) Act Delhi Development Authority (DDA)
3302 Eviction Under The Public Premises (Eviction) Act Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD)
3303 Eviction Under The Public Premises (Eviction) Act Govt. of NCT of Delhi
3304 Eviction Under The Public Premises (Eviction) Act Union of India
3305 Eviction Under The Public Premises (Eviction) Act New Delhi Municipal Corporation (NDMC)
3306 Eviction Under The Public Premises (Eviction) Act Other States/Union Territories
3307 Eviction Under The Public Premises (Eviction) Act Others
3400 Mines, Minerals And Mining Leases -
3501 Land Laws And Agricultural Tenancies Matters relating to sale/transfer of land by SC/ST.
3502 Land Laws And Agricultural Tenancies Matters relating to agricultural land ceiling
3503 Land Laws And Agricultural Tenancies Matters relating to urban land ceiling
3504 Land Laws And Agricultural Tenancies Pre-emption matters
3505 Land Laws And Agricultural Tenancies Others
3600 Admirality And Maritime Laws -
3700 Matters Relating To Commissions Of Enquiry -
3800 Matters Relating To Consumer Protection -
3801 Matters Relating To Consumer Protection Appeals u/s 23 of Consumer Protection Act, 1986.
3802 Matters Relating To Consumer Protection SLPs relating to Consumer Protection.
3803 Matters Relating To Consumer Protection Others
3900 Matters Pertaining To Armed Forces & Paramilitary Forces -
4000 Admission/Transfer To Engineering And Medical Colleges -
4001 Admission/Transfer To Engineering And Medical Colleges Medical admission matters
4002 Admission/Transfer To Engineering And Medical Colleges Engineering admission matters
4003 Admission/Transfer To Engineering And Medical Colleges Others
4201 MATTERS RELATING TO LEASES, GOVT. CONTRACTS & CONTRACTS BY LOCAL BODIES Tenders invited or contracts awarded/leases granted or determined by Central Government
4202 MATTERS RELATING TO LEASES, GOVT. CONTRACTS & CONTRACTS BY LOCAL BODIES Tenders invited or contracts awarded/leases granted or determined by public sector undertaking
4203 MATTERS RELATING TO LEASES, GOVT. CONTRACTS & CONTRACTS BY LOCAL BODIES Tenders invited or contracts awarded/leases granted or determined by State Governments / Union Territories
4204 MATTERS RELATING TO LEASES, GOVT. CONTRACTS & CONTRACTS BY LOCAL BODIES Tenders invited or contracts awarded/leases granted or determined by local bodies
4300 State Excise-Trading In Liquor-Privileges, Licences-distilleries Breweries State Excise-Trading In Liquor-Privileges, Licencesdistilleries Breweries
4400 Reference Under Article 143 Of The Constitution Of India -
4500 Reference Under Article 317(1) Of The Constitution Of India -
4600 Refernce Under Section 11 Of The Competition Act, 2002. Reference Under Section 11 Of The Competition Act, 2002.
4700 Reference Under Section 14 Of The Right To Information Act, 2005 -
4701 Reference Under Section 14 Of The Right To Information Act, 2005 REFERENCE UNDER SECTION 17 OF THE RIGHT TO INFORMATION ACT, 2005
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